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Michael's Pastured Poultry - update!

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Often times I’ll be standing in line and someone will say, “I enjoyed watching you grow up”. I’m always a little bit shocked. Sometimes I’ll actually know the person and other times not! They’ve watched me grow up through blogs on MCLG, through newspaper articles, and Facebook posts. It might be a picture
of me showing a cow at the fair, or an article on my business, Michael’s Pastured Poultry, or my accomplishments through FFA.

I reflect on those days and all the memories made and smile and thank all of you for supporting me. I would never have reached my goals without the support of awesome customers like you! I can’t thank you enough!

Many of you ask my Mom, ‘What’s Michael up to?” My plans are to eventually step into managing Bair-Trax Dairy and add my pastured poultry business to the farm. Before this can happen there are a few requirements from Mom and Dad. One requirement is to go away! Can you believe that? My parents wanted me to experience something other than the dairy, work for someone else, be out on my own, and make sure I actually wanted to come back to the dairy.

So, I did! I’m in Colorado currently, interning for a year on a farm in the Aspen area. Their main enterprise is a vegetable CSA and poultry. I am spending lots of time at farmer’s markets and learning to process chickens. A big thank you to King’s for processing my chicken. I have definitely learned that is something I don’t want to do.

I’ve spent numerous weekends helping neighboring ranches brand cattle and I’m learning how to move irrigation and how to irrigate properly. I’ve also had some time to go on some incredible hikes and I’m hoping to have time this winter to learn to snowboard.

Don’t worry! Thanks to my Mom and Dad, Michael’s Pastured Poultry is still providing Certified Organic, Pasture-Raised, Non-GMO and soy-free chickens for you and your family! My parents keep me abreast of what’s happening and we discuss any changes or new products that we want to try. If you haven’t tried the new brats – hot Italian and tomato basil – you should! We also added drum quarters, which are the drum and thigh packaged together. I haven’t had them, but my Mom says she loves them on the grill!

I’m learning a lot and making lots of new friends and memories. I miss home and the dairy, so I’m still planning on being back. And I look forward to continuing to grow Michael’s Pastured Poultry… all because of you! Thank you!

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