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Ever heard of Weston A. Price?

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An excerpt from Nourishing Traditions, published by the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF):

The diets of [nonindustrialized] peoples…contained several factors in common…they valued animal fats as absolutely necessary to good health; and they ate fats, meats, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains all in their whole, unrefined state.

The populations that Dr. Price studied in the 1930s were all very healthy, and he attributed that to their nutrient-dense diet of whole foods and avoidance of refined or denatured foods and ingredients, low fat products, pasteurized and homogenized dairy, hydrogenated oils, white flour, protein powders, synthetic vitamins, and food additives and colorings.

While it is a challenge to prepare everything from scratch, I still build a few meals a week around some organic fruits and vegetables and locally sourced meat. For the few processed items used, I read labels and avoid artificial colors and flavors, corn syrup, and monosodium glutamate, and I prefer limited ingredient lists and look for non-GMO certification. My motto is, perfect is the enemy of good!

Caroline McColloch
Chez Nous Farm

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