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God and Farming
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God and farming—ever wonder why most farmers are deeply religious? There are some things about making a living from the land, that contain the themes of belief. First might be the intimate acquaintance with all things living. To see the creation up close through the birth of plants and animals, the hidden power of seeds and soil, sun and rain; in short, the forces and diversity of life and creation are nothing short of awe-inspiring. An accurate description might be that of a numinous experience…the sense of a presence beyond what is visible or comprehensible.
Secondly is a certain feeling of humility in the onward march of seasons, utter powerlessness over weather, and yet a rugged resolve to face all the elements up close and personal, as must be done by simply being outside to do one’s regular work. I’ve always found it interesting that the word humility shares its root meaning with that of the word humus: the part of soil containing all the important components of fertility needed for plant growth…so in humility is strength. This is one of the profound theological truths in the Bible.
And yet, farmers work with the land, with plants, with animals to bring forth a harvest. This is not unlike the scriptural idea of making good use of what we have been given, as taught in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30). Of course, this idea applies to all areas of life, regardless of vocation—using our gifts to create something good in the world.
-Caroline McColloch
Chez Nous Farm
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