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I blame the potato bugs
Market would’ve been open on time if I hadn’t gotten distracted when I got home. We’d spent a good portion of the evening last night in the garden picking, squishing, and generally attempting to obliterate our potato bug population.
I thought, when I pulled up the drive and passed our garden tonight, oh it’s so lovely out and it’ll be so nice to see clean, bug-free plants – I’ll just stop for a minute to look. And of course a minute turned into thirty as I kept finding new hatchlings from all the eggs we apparently missed last night, and it was so light out I didn’t dream 9 o’clock had snuck up on me so quickly!!
But better late than never, we’re back for another delicious week of local food, warm weather, and all the little joys of life.
I hope you enjoy something that satisfies you this week!! We sure will, with a quality-family-time-potato-bug collecting contest while we dream of homemade french fries, potato pancakes, real hash browns, and pierogis! Mmmm!
Plus fresh tomatoes, zucchini and cucumbers are on the way?! Yum!!