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How to Preserve a Husband

I simply can’t resist sharing something this good -

When searching for some new jam recipes recently, I stumbled upon an old leaflet that left me in stitches when, unsuspectingly glancing thru the pages, the title “How to Preserve a Husband” of course caught my attention. It was listed among the Corn Cob Jelly and Apple Mint Jelly, as unassuming as you please – and I was totally unprepared to find such a gem among Mrs. Nobbia Ownby’s Smoky Mountain favorites!

Apparently no introduction, warning, or explanation thought necessary, as it was for the Sweet Tater Butter, Pear Honey, and Apricot Conserve ;-)

How to Preserve a Husband

Be careful in your selection,
Do not choose too young
It is better to have none than not learn how to cook them properly.
Some women keep them in a stew;
And some keep them constantly in hot water.
Others prefer to freeze them.
And oh, how some just insist on keeping them in a pickle, but this makes them sour, hard and bitter.
A great many of them are entirely spoiled by mismanagement in cooking.
They are so tender and good, even poor varieties of husbands may be made sweet by garnishing with patience.
Sweeten well with love, and season with kisses.
A little spice will improve a husband – but it must be used with judgment.
If thus treated you will find him digestible and will keep indefinitely. (!!!)