The Weblog

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The Need is Great, and we can Help!!

We are so grateful to the FUMC and First Place Communities! We love setting up in their great facility at First Place, whether for our Night Markets, or our regular
Virtual Market weekly pick-ups…

And one way we can give back is to help out their massive endeavor with the
First Place Food Pantry :-)

They are the largest Pantry serving Troy and Casstown. Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday they open their doors to 40 families each day – and each family may only go thru the Pantry once a month!! Who knew the need was THAT great?

Wonder what they need? Practically anything, whether typical non-perishables, or fridge and freezer items! They’re always grateful to get fresh produce, because the produce they get from the big box stores is often already beyond selling and markdown quality :-(

Both hygiene and baby products are always in great need – feminine and body care products, everything from diapers and wipes to baby food and cereal.

We as a Market community are very glad to have had some kind of donation for the pantry, whether from vendors or customers, almost every single week of market pick-up!

Any Tuesday during regular market hours from 5-7pm, we’ll accept donations for the Food Pantry, and make sure they get where they need to go for Wednesday’s Pantry!

Thank you for your continued support and generosity – we are truly making a difference :-)