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Welcome Back to Pizza Crusts, and Thank You to Vendors!
The long wait ends tonight… we have pizza crusts back on the market, with the addition of new vendor Rachel Lusk, the protégé of beloved Downtown Troy Farmer’s Market vendor, Mosquito Creek! They’ve passed the torch on to Rachel, and we couldn’t be more excited!!
And tonight we open with a Thank You to vendors…
We’re extending to a new vendor each month the $10 gift certificate from our Refer-A-Friend program, that rewards the customers who help spread the word about our little market.
Without our vendors and customers, this market would not exist – and we’ve got a unique mix of producers, from full-time farmers who depend upon their farm business as their livelihood, to those folks for whom this is an important secondary income or even those for whom it’s a hobby, a passion they love to share.
And because the market retains a smaller percentage (10%) than a typical retail operation (30% and up), we rely heavily on support from both customers and vendors.
Many of you know the vendors take turns as my cashbox volunteer – each vendor helps out two market nights per year. Less than 10 hours annually? Not too bad :-)
But as with anything else in life, there are always times a person will go above and beyond. And I’d like to thank the folks who consistently offer so much more support than what I’ve asked…
Whether pinch-hitting for someone who had to cancel, never leaving until the work is finished, spending countless hours brainstorming, recruiting, advertising, and just helping with all the thankless behind the scenes work typical of any business…
It’s such a small token of my gratitude, but it goes with plenty of love and appreciation :-)
So tonight our first Vendor Appreciation gift goes to Karen Purke,
McGuffey Herb and Spice Co. A hearty and sincere thank you for all you do!!!